Winter in First Landing State Park

By MAP Environmental Inc. | January 30, 2024

Earlier this month, MAP Environmental Inc’s Myles A. Pocta was joined by good friend, brother in Christ, and fellow Camino mate, Jim Brown,

for a frosty, blustery, and bone-chilling 12-mile trek through First Landing State Park (First Landing) in Virginia Beach.  First Landing has become

a popular recreational venue for Jim and Myles, who trained here often for their iconic 500-mile pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago.

On Saturday, January 20th,, the two men navigated through the park, witnessing many sights and sounds that in the dead of winter many of us

rarely experience (see pictures).  From the high dunes along Broad Bay, to the serenity of Crystal Lake, and the bottomland hardwoods in the park’s

interior, the two weekend pilgrims were treated to a winter wonderland that makes this one of the crowned jewels in Virginia Beach.