Leading Age in Nashville, TN
In late October, our company President attended the LeadingAge Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee.
It is an event Myles A Pocta attended through his community service as Board President of Our Lady of Perpetual
Help – a senior care facility in Virginia Beach. The LeadingAge Annual Meeting is a marquee event for aging services professionals. This year’s event attracted over 5,000 attendees and 400+ exhibitors who joined in fascinating discussion, healthy networking and enlightening sessions.

Among the event’s distinguished speakers was Ms. Cynt Marshall, the trailblazing CEO of the Dallas Mavericks. In 2018, Cynt Marshall was hired as the CEO of the Dallas Mavericks, where she became the first black female CEO in the history of the National Basketball Association. Ms. Marshall provided attendees a blueprint for leading with authenticity and driving meaningful change in the senior health profession.

In summary, it was both a blessing and a great opportunity to network with fellow professionals, hear about emerging technologies, and learn about innovative ways to better serve our local community!