September 2020
While the world and country have experienced their share of unique challenges throughout 2020, here at MAP Environmental Inc. we’re seeing positive signs for the remainder of 2020.
Now that schools have reconvened and are adjusting to their new “normal”, the rest of the region also appears to be enthusiastic about the possibilities for the rest of the calendar year. Over the past few months, MAP has routinely connected with clients and regulatory agencies to provide support and to gauge the pulse of activity throughout Hampton Roads. From bankers to developers, engineers to environmental regulators, one thing is clear: folks are ready to get back on track!
Specifically, MAP is fortunate to have recently secured work on high-profile transportation and water resources projects related to sea-level rise and sustainability in Hampton Roads, as well as Federal work in Southeastern United States.
As a small business in Hampton Roads, MAP is always poised and flexible to creatively respond to challenges related to environmental consulting. Despite the obstacles presented this year, MAP is staying the course to provide exceptional environmental services throughout the rest of 2020 and beyond!